Thursday, May 31st, 2012

Here’s some great shots of people (and a couple of dogs) queueing up to see The Beat Is The Law screening in Spain (with Spanish subtitles) at the wonderful Primavera Sound Festival, Barcelona on Monday 28th May.
For those Spanish speaking, here is a bit of explanation of the film in Spanish: “The Beat is the Law” cuenta el viaje de Pulp desde las profundidades industriales más oscuras de Sheffield, a través de los turbulentos años 80′s de Margaret Thatcher, hasta llegar a la cima del pop.
Pulp played at this festival last year and Richard Hawley will be playing at Primavera this year, continuing the Sheffield music/Spain connection.
For more info on the film in Spanish click here
Tags: Barcelona, In Edit, primavera sound festival, pulp, richard hawley, Spain, The Beat is The Law, warp
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Friday, April 6th, 2012
The Beat Is The Law will be screening at Chicago’s International Movies & Music Festival—a four-day showcase of outstanding films, energetic concerts, visually stunning VJ/DJ sets, lively Q&A’s, daring live score performances…anything to show just what movies and music mean to each other.
Screening at 9pm 14th April 2012.
Big article and more info here
Tags: chicago, cimmfest, pulp, The Beat is The Law
Posted in Events, Past | Comments Off
Wednesday, January 4th, 2012

We are pleased to announce The Beat Is The Law will be screening its first BluRay version at the North West Film Forum over 3 nights on the 6th, 7th and 8th of January 2012. More details here>>
Seattle’s The Stranger publication reviews the film as “deeper and richer than your average music doc, diving into the political and economic realities underlying the music, and it’s terrific” more here>>
Tags: Iron lady, Margaret Thatcher, North West Film Forum, pulp documentary, seattle stranger, The Beat is The Law
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