Pulp: The Beat is the Law – A film about the band Pulp's rise to mid-90's Britpop glory out of Margaret Thatcher's turbulent 80's

Posts Tagged ‘The Beat is The Law’

Win The Beat Is The Law film poster signed by All Pulp members

Sunday, December 2nd, 2012

The Beat Is The Law poster signed by Pulp

Here is a reminder about your chance to enter a prize draw and win a very collectible The Beat is The Law film poster designed by The Designers Republic incorporating the iconic ‘Kes’ two fingers Jarvis image and remarkably signed by all the members of reformed Pulp including Jarvis Cocker (No Offence), Candida Doyle, Steve Mackay, Nick Banks, Mark Webber and Russel Senior.

Here’s how to enter: Purchase a Streaming rental of The Beat Is The Law film (90 Mins) or the film plus extras (120 mins) or the Spanish subtitled version from our on demand distrify video player here, and you will automatically enter a prize draw.
One lucky name drawn randomly from those who have purchased our GREEN button items will receive this exclusive signed poster. 10 other lucky names will also be drawn who will each receive a fabulous film poster each (signed by the film’s director if you want).

Last day of entry for the draw is the last day of Pulp’s 2012 tour (23rd December).

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Festival of Festivals, Montjuïc de Nit, Barcelona, 14.07.2012

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012

We are excited to announce our first open air screening of The Beat Is The Law on a mountain in Barcelona on 14th July at the Montjuïc de Nit festival (Festival of Festivals).
The screening starts at 22.00 but that’s not all folks…

Just before the screening at 21.00, the fabulous John Stuart, who used to be the singer in Vendino Pact, Chakk and The Lovebirds (together with Richard Hawley), will be making a DJ appearance and spinning some classic Sheffield tunes to get you in that ‘Sheff vibe’.

Here’s a link to the details


Below is a photo of Chakk (John Stuart is the one with the dogs) and some Spanish about John Stuart and the Beat Is The Law:

Membre del grup musical Chakk
John Stuart va arribar a Sheffield l’any 1978 per estudiar política però també per fer una banda en la que va ser la ciutat musical més emocionant del Regne Unit. Cabaret Voltaire, Clock DVA, The Human League i molts més artistes, mesclaven electrònica alemana, jazz, garatge rock i sons anglesos del Nord Industrial per fer sons bonics innovadors i avançats a la seva època.  A través de la seva primera banda Venedino Pact, com a membre de l’influent grup industrial de funk Chakk i com a un dels primers col·laboradors als principis de Richard Hawley; John Stuart va experimentar durant gairebé 15 anys en el cor de l’huracà de l’escena musical de Sheffield que veureu a “The Beat is the Law”.
A través de su primera Banda Vendino Pact, como miembro de los influyentes Chakk y como colaborador de Richard Hawley, John Stuart experimentó durante 15 años en el ojo del huracán que fue Sheffield (y que se refleja en The Beat is The Law). Una selección musical alrededor de Sheffield abrirá nuestro Montjuïc de Nit.

El ritmo es la ley: Una fanfarria para la gente común

Tot allò que volíem saber sobre Pulp, la banda de Jarvis Cocker, el grup de pop-rock independent més gran de les últimes dècades, es troba en aquest documental. Entrevistes originals, actuacions, promocions, materials acabats de desenterrar i vídeos domèstics són el material que ens ofereix per narrar la seva història. Un relat que comença a les profunditats industrials de Sheffield, a través dels turbulents anys vuitanta de Margaret Thatcher, i acaba dalt de l’escenari, a tocar de la glòria. Una història de pel·lícula que ens demostra que Pulp han estat molt més que gent normal.

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4,7,9.06.2012 Distrital Festival, Mexico

Thursday, May 31st, 2012

El ritmo es la ley: Una fanfarria para la gente común
We are excited to announce The Beat is The Law screenings at the Distrital Festival, Mexico on the 4th, 7th and 9th June 2012. Having screened twice last month in Spain, the film continues its Spanish journey across the Atlantic for its first screenings in Mexico with Spanish subtitles. Chile has also been confirmed later in the year.

Conocida coloquialmente como “el documental de Pulp”, la película de Eve Wood The Beat Is the Law – Fanfare for the Common People relata la historia de la fenomenal escena musical en Sheffield, desde el post-punk de inicios de los ochenta y la conquista global del house, llegando hasta el Britpop. Usando a Pulp como hilo conductor, la película toca también las realidades políticas y económicas que subyacen tras la música, culminando con el inesperado triunfo de Pulp en el Festival de Glastonbury, en 1995.

More info on screening locations/times at the Distrital Festival website: distrital.mx

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A Film by Eve Wood

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